Temi's business was top-notch. She was your "go-to-girl" for the latest clothes, shoes, bags, and accessories.

You can't look at her clothes twice without being attracted to them. Every time she makes a post, her comment section will be filled with "Wow", " Beautiful", and "Babe your stuffs are damn fine" yet she wasn't making any sales.

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months and her frustration grew even after investing heavily on ads.

She was just about to quit her business until she discovered the HTC CONTENT CREATION PACKAGE and since then her business has grown from sales to "more sales".

After she took the class, strangers started to chat her up and buy from her without any ads and I want to show you how to SELL YOUR BUSINESS WITH CONTENTS too. Everyone who has taken that class has the same testimonies too

And if we've never met before

My name is Olive Jaja

A business and sales strategist with results.

I help ambitious business owners like you to outsell their competitors, grow their businesses, and make at least 15-65% more sales in 30 days or less using successful sales strategies that works.

Since 2020, I've

⚫ Taught over 2128 business owners marketing, business, and sales strategies.

Helped over 209 business owners grow their business from ZERO OR POOR SALES TO BEING SOLD OUT IN JUST 30 DAYS OR LESS

⚫Helped over 33 business owners start different successful businesses from scratch and lots more.

Well, don't take it from me just like that, here's what my clients have to say...

Now, I understand your challenges with content creation. Lots of my students and even temi had them too.

1. I don't know what to create contents on

It doesn't matter whether you've created contents before or not, I'll show you from scratch the ABC of content creation.

2. I don't have time to start creating contents

I understand, I was like you and I'll show you the secrets of how I plan my time and create quality contents every day even if you work round the clock.

I'll show you how to automate your posts so that even if you're offline for days, your posts will keep dropping.

3. I know I'll get stuck halfway and no one will guide me

I understand lots of people are having this challenge so I created a 30 days challenge where everyone will have to create contents for the next 30 days.

You will see how others are creating their contents, learn, and get motivated as everyone will share their secrets.

You see why my friends are angry I'm giving all these out for just #1,000 only?

Get it now before I change my mind

If you've been struggling to make sales then I'm the business and sales coach you need.

Here's a rundown of what you'll get again.

✔️ How to create contents every day even if you don't know what to post.

✔️ How I never run out of content ideas and how to use my secret.

✔ 7 mistakes most content creators make

✔ 7 content ideas that would help you generate content ideas every day.

✔ How to overcome brain drought and create content every day.


✔️ You'll get access to the 30 days content creation challenge where everyone creates and posts contents for the next 30 days non-stop.

✔ I'll also share with you my content calendar and show you how I manage my time despite all I do to make contents every day.

Did I tell you that the price doubles in the next 48 hours?

To pay through transfer, pay #1,000 into UBA....2180331488.....SOLOMON JAJA

Ask around, out of the over 2,000 persons I've worked with, no one has ever paid for any of my courses and come back with a complaint

" If you don't get the full value I talked about here, you're free to demand your money back and you'll get a 100% refund".

You're 100% assured of value and results when you work with me.

To register by transfer, pay #1000 into UBA....2180331488.....SOLOMON JAJA and send your confirmation of payment to 08179687499 on WhatsApp

To pay through your card online, go here.

    © Olive Jaja. All rights reserved.